Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Hunger Games. ONE HOT TOPIC

The Hunger Games on DVD and Bluray came out Saturday, August 18th and I guess EVERYONE went to WALMART to get it because when I went to my local WALMART there were only 2 DVD sets and NO BLURAY sets. What a popular place SOLD-OUT-Mart must be. They are never in stock ._. The only time they have is when I got the movie Spider Man 10 months after it came out. Whats up with the name WalMart anyway? Did they just build a wall and call it WallMart back in the day of the GREEK GODS. Is that the old timey word for Great Wall Of China That Gives You Food? "Steven! Go Research That!" Wait..... Who Is Steven? THATS MY QUESTION TO YOU GUYS.

Question Of The Day: Who Is Steven?

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